Sunday, May 24, 2020

Reading Of The Digital Age Has The Internet Changed The...

Reading In The Digital Age: Has The Internet Changed The Way People Read? The Internet is, I believe, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the greatest resources the world has produced. One can get volumes and volumes of information in an instant. The information is available to anyone no matter where he or she is on the globe. Now one can work from home, in the car while on holiday, basically anywhere with an Internet connection. One can communicate with friends and interact with them no matter where they are. Social media, programs like Skype and other Internet based products enable people to communicate better from a distance. We are all getting to a certain point where we are online for so long that it has started affecting how we†¦show more content†¦They were convinced and adamant in their belief that the changes were because of the Internet. They had several reasons why they blamed the Internet for the changes and at the end of the interview; I let them enumerate the reasons. My first interviewee told me that he now found it harder to remember things. He kept forgetting simple things like dates, locations and products names. He found it harder to remember facts after just a short time. I tested it out during the interview and I witnessed him having to confirm facts from the Internet. I asked inquired why he was so sure that it was the Internet’s fault that he was having memory problems and he gave me several. The first one was that he never used to have that problem before. He says that in school he was pretty good at remembering things and he regularly won memory games. He said that he started experiencing the problems when he got into college and started relying on the net for his work and pleasure. He confessed that he did not go anywhere without his smartphone, tablet or laptop. He is always on his phone and most of the time he is surfing. He could not find another reason for his memory problems other than the Internet. After the interviews I went ahead and did some research for myself and see if it was possible that the Internet was to blame. Scientists have indeed found a connection between how we remember things and the Internet. They conducted research that indicated that people who

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